Caroline Petrick is born in Ghent. She follows an actor’s training at the Conservatory of Liège and works with Jacques Delcuvellerie (Groupov). After her studies she works together with different directors, but mostly with Thierry Salmon; she plays in his last creation “Les Amazones” in Volterra, for which she gets the Ubu-price. Her preference goes to creations in which a diversity of disciplines is used. In that perspective she’s taking part to performances by Ingrid von Wantoch-Rekowski, such as “A-Ronne” (Luciano Berio), “In h-moll” (10 actors singing fragments of Bach’s mass) and “Métamorphoses d’Avilla”. She’s also narrating musical tales for children: “My heart is a penguin”, a production by Pantalone and “The story of Babar” based on music by Poulenc (Flemish Opera Ghent, May 2004). She takes part to literary festivals and is very much interested in poetry in general.
Caroline Petrick starts working as a director’s assistant for Jean-Claude Berutti, first for the theatre piece “Old Times” by Harold Pinter, later for the opera “Danton’s death” by Gottfried von Einem at the Opéra Royal de Wallonie. In 2000 she’s the director’s assistant of the Monnaie production “Oedipus Rex”, in a direction by Guy Joosten.
In 2001 she makes her debut as a director with the music theatre piece “Golden Vanity” after the opera by Benjamin Britten. This production was also shown at the Concertgebouw Brugge in May 2003.
In January 2003 “Weisse Rose” by Udo Zimmermann has its première at the Festival de Liège. In March the production is shown at La Monnaie and a revival is planned for April 2005.
Her third opera direction concerns the piece “Jakob Lenz” by Wolfgang Rihm, which has its première at the CETC in Buenos Aires on 1 August 2004.  The production will tour in March-April 2006 (DeSingel Antwerpen, Kaaitheater Brussels, Royal Opera Copenhagen,…).
From October 2004 Caroline Petrick is giving classes in dramatic expression at the new Opera Studio. This is a project in collaboration with the Music Chapel Koningin Elisabeth, La Monnaie, the Flemish Opera and the Opéra Royal de Wallonie.
In 2005 she will be acting at the Royal Flemish Theatre in Brussels, in a direction of David Strosberg.
From 2006 Caroline Petrick is artist in residence of Muziektheater Transparant.



Concept | Direction

Concept | Direction


Concept | Direction

