Liesa Van der Aa (°1986) has developed into one of the most versatile Belgian performing artists of the present time. She switches effortlessly between music and acting for television, film and theatre.With two albums to her name, she opted to go her own way and now creates unique music projects. The combination of her classical training and her urge to experiment results in music where avant-garde, soundscape and rock meet. In her debut album, TROOPS, she not only took up the role of singer-songwriter, but also built bridges by giving music and musicians a theatrical form on stage. In this capacity, Van der Aa has appeared at TAZ, Ghent Jazz, Les Nuits de Botanique, the Klarafestival, and the renowned French festival Les Femmes s'en Mèlent. In 2013, in collaboration with the Berlin ensemble Kaleidoskop, she composed the music for Van Den Vos. In autumn 2014, Liesa Van der Aa brought out her second album, WOTH, a musical triptych based on funeral rituals in ancient Egypt. She is currently touring Belgian theatres with the musical-theatre work of the same name. In August 2016 she will work on Transparant’s annual youth opera.




Musical direction

Composition | Concept | Text | Scenography | Video | Musical adaptation | Musician
