Pierre Audi (1957) grew up in Beirut, Lebanon and Paris. After his history studies in Oxford, he founded the Almeida Theatre in London. Since 1988 he was Director of De Nederlandse Opera, in 2013 he became Director of the Dutch National Opera. Both as director and as stage director his vision and audacity are respected in the Netherlands and far abroad.
At the Dutch National Opera Audi programmed many new productions, generally with a provocative and unique signature. He gave the Baroque repertoire special attention and engaged many prominent artists, composers, conductors and stage directors. Between 2005 and 2014 Pierre Audi has as well been the artistic director of the Holland festival.
As a stage director at Dutch National Opera, his great triumphs include the Monteverdi cycle, Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen and several Mozart operas. He participated in the world premieres of numerous Dutch operas, as Rosa - a Horse Drama and Writing to Vermeer by Louis Andriessen e.g. Further, he directed Les Troyens by Hector Berlioz and Saint François d´Assise by Olivier Messiaen and Tea by Tan Dun a.o.
As guest director he worked frequently at major opera houses and festivals such as the Metropolitan Opera, Bayerische Staatsoper and the Dresdner Musikfestspiele. Audi has directed for Toneelgroep Amsterdam and Het Zuidelijk Toneel, and is also known as a film director. He was awarded several prizes e.g. the Johannes Vermeer Prize and was nominated Chevalier de la Légion d Honneur.



Direction (mise-en-espace)