Hugo Koolschijn (°1946) has been a member of Toneelgroep Amsterdam since 1987.
Koolschijn appeared at Toneelgroep Amsterdam in Phaedra, Antonioni Project, Glengarry Glen Ross, Summer Trilogy, The Seagull, Mourning becomes Electra, The Russians!, Disgrace, Scenes from a Marriage, Cries and whispers, The taming of the shrew and Kings of war. Koolschijn’s previous work includes Uncle Wanja and Intra-Muros. He also wrote and starred in the solo performances Zangles [Singing class] and Een Franse Zanger (A French singer).
In addition to his work for Toneelgroep Amsterdag, Koolschijn played with other companies such as Publiekstheater and Globe and appeared in various films such as Soldaat van Oranje (Soldier of Orange) and in a number of television programmes.
In 2016-2017 he will be seen in the premieres The things that pass and The diary of one who disappeared (both directed by Ivo van Hove) and the revivals of The Fountainhead and Roman Tragedies.
Photo: Jan Versweyveld