Argentinean-Dutch conductor Hernán Schvartzman is a versatile and awarded artist that feels equally at home conducting top historically informed ensembles, cutting edge contemporary music groups as well as leading international big scale opera productions and symphonic concerts.
Hernán is the musical leader of Dutch foundation OPERA2DAY and works as regular guest conductor for Argentinean opera association Juventus Lyrica. For these organisations he has conducted -among others-: Mozart’s Così fan tutte, Don Giovanni, Le Nozze di Figaro and Zauberflöte (Argentinean Opera of the year 2013), Cherubini’s Médee, Charpentier’s La Troupe d’Oprhée (Dutch Opera of the Year 2014) a world premiere tour of Tsoupaki ’s Mariken in the garden of delights (2015), Gluk’s Orfeo ed Euridice (2016) and the music theatre piece Dr Miracle (2016)
Hernán Schvartzman has worked with ensembles such as Vox Luminis, ASKO|SCHOENBERG, Gelders Orkest, Dortmunder Philharmoniker, Orchestra of the Early Musicdepartment of the Royal Conservatoire, Holland Symfonia, Residentie Orkest, Netherldands Chamber Choir, Dutch Radio Choir, Capella Amsterdam, Tetraktys and the New European Ensemble.
Hernán Schvartzman graduated Cum Lauda from the Masters in Orchestral Conducting and Early Music opera conducting at the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague. His teachers and coaches were Jac van Steen, Kenneth Montgomery, Jos van Veldhoven, Ton Koopman, Reinbert de Leeuw, Peter van Hegyen and Michael Chance. Hernán has participated in masterclasses given by Neeme Järvi, Frans Bruggen and Simon Halsey and worked as assistant conductor for Reinbert de Leeuw, Jac van Steen, Richard Egarr and Gabriel Garrido. He has also followed the Ligeti Academy and assisted various productions at the Dutch National Opera Academy.
Hernán Schvartzman was part ofthe selection committee for the Composers Showcase organised by the BBC National Orchestra of Wales (BBC NOW) where he recorded the awarded chamber pieces with the wind soloists of the BBC NOW. Hernán teaches Ensemble Leadingat the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague and worked as the main classical music advisor of the Argentinean Ministry of Culture for the opening of the Centro Cultural Kirchner, where he also gave masterclasses to Argentinean conductors together with the National Youth Orchestra.
Hernán Schvartzman has been awarded by the Dutch Government with the Huygens Scholarship and has been selected as a Musical Top Talent, Creative top Talent and Cultural ambassador of the City by the municipality of The Hague.
Hernán was nominated as best Argentinean conductor of the year 2014 by the Argentinean Association of Musical Reviewers.




Musical direction