Veerle Fraeters is a professor at the Ruusbroec Institute, a research centre attached to the University of Antwerp. Her research field is the Middle Dutch tradition of alchemical and mystical texts, with a special focus on the visionary tradition, on woman authors and on the work of Brabantine mystic Hadewijch.
Along with Frank Willaert she is currently editing the collected works of Hadewijch for publication by Historische Uitgeverij in Groningen. Part One, Liederen, was published in 2009 and in 2012 it was awarded the Kruyskamp Prize for its outstanding combination of scholarly authority and accessibility. Part Two, Visioenen, is in preparation.
She also researches the continuing influence of mediaeval mysticism in the modern and contemporary periods, and publishes on the literary and artistic reception of Hadewijch in the twentieth century.