Marjan De Schutter graduated from the RITCS in Brussels as an actor in 2010, before undertaking classical vocal studies at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp. In 2015 she achieved her Master’s diploma in dramatic arts from the KASK in Ghent. She has collaborated with director Thomas Bellinck, Lies Pauwels and Johan Simons, among others. In addition, Marjan De Schutter has already appeared in performances by Laika, Ontroerend Goed, Kopergietery, SKaGeN, Monty, Opera Vlaanderen and Theater Stap, among others. In addition to these theatre performances, Marjan also played roles in various TV series and films including Vriendinnen (2014), Professor T. (2016), Generatie B (2017), Kafka (2017), Gent West (2017) and Albatros (2020). 



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