Lieve Pynoo, born in 1961 in Belgium, studied Fashion design at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. Since 1987 she has been working as a theater costume designer at various theater houses and companies, including the former Blauwe Maandagcompagnie, Needcompagnie, Toneelgroep Amsterdam, The Enthusiasts, NTGent, KVS Brussels, Wunderbaum, Malpertuis and De Roovers. She worked with directors Ola Mafalaani, Arne Sierens, Alain Platel, Josse Depauw, Peter van Kraaij, Luc Perceval, Jan Lauwers, Michael Decock, Johan Dehollander and Piet Arfeuille. For the film she worked with Felix van Groeningen and for TV with Frank Van Passel. She taught at the theater department of the Antwerp Academy for several years and for eight years she worked as the right hand of the designer duo A.F.Vandevorst.
At the moment Lieve Pynoo is working on new productions with the collective De Roovers and Theater Malpertuis.