FC Bergman is a young theatre company that sprang from the Herman Teirlinck Institute. The company are six actors / theatre makers / artists: Stef Aerts, Joé Agemans, Bart Hollanders, Matteo Simoni, Thomas Verstraeten and Marie Vinck.
In a brief period of time they have developed a singular theatrical idiom, anarchistic and slightly chaotic, but above all exceptionally visual and poetic. Former projects were often about the wrestling, endeavouring individual.
In 2009, FC Bergman won the Jong Theater Prijs aan Zee with their adaptation of Harold Pinter's The Homecoming. With the project Wandelen op de Champs-Elysées met een schildpad om de wereld beter te kunnen bekijken, maar het is moeilijk thee drinken op een ijsschots als iedereen dronken is (Having a stroll on the Champs-Elysées with a turtle to get a better view on the world, but it is not easy drinking tea on a floe when everybody is drunk), FC Bergman was selected for the Nederlands Theater Festival.
Concept | Direction | Lighting design