Brice was born in Narbonne in Southern France. He started to play the double bass with Jean Ané before leaving to study at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague in the Netherlands under the supervision of the bass players Knut Guettler, Hein Van de Geyn, Jean-Paul Everts and Frans van der Hoeven and of the composer Cornelis De Bondt. His final exam was qualified to be ‘’historical’’ by the headmaster as Brice was the first student to have followed successfully both the classical and jazz educations in parallel.

After his studies, Brice goes for some time to the equatorial rain forest of Cameroon to live with a population of Baka pygmies. When he comes back to Europe, he devotes himself entirely to creative music. He tours with several ensembles of new music in the Netherlands (MAE, Klang, De Volharding…) and is part of the string ensemble Jargon of Maurice Horsthuis. He is a soloist with l’Orchestre de Montpellier for the creation of the opera Jetzt of the german composer Mathis Nitschke, and travels all around to play improvised music and jazz.

Today, B.S. plays in several ensembles and focuses principally on his collaborations with Harmen Fraanje, Toma Gouband, Joachim Badenhorst (Rawfishboys, Carate Urio Orchestra), and on the trio 3/4 Peace with Ben Sluijs and Christian Mendoza. Brice has about 25 albums to his record and takes care of the label ASTROPI together with Toma Gouband and Harmen Fraanje. He has played / recorded with musicians such as Nelson Veras, Malik Mezzadri, Fredrik Ljungkvist, Michael Moore, Mark Feldman, Peter Evans, Alexi Tuomarila, Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Philippe Catherine, Lotte Anker…

Brice has been a guest teacher in several conservatories of music such as Copenhagen, Århus, Antwerpen, Gent, etc...



Musical direction

Musical coaching | Arrangements