More than 10 years ago, Stijn Grupping (1986) helped found the Antwerp circus school Ell Circo d´ell Fuego, which was awarded the Flemish Culture Prize for Circus in 2014. While there, he taught circus, created performances and specialized in juggling with bumper balls.
In 2006 Stijn Grupping created the solo production Rêve d'un ballon, his first experiment with video and projection in a circus performance. Excited by the new possibilities of the film medium, he went on to study at Narafi in Brussels and worked as a cinematographer.
In 2014, together with theatre-maker Ine Van Baelen, Stijn Grupping founded Post uit Hessdalen, a company that focuses on audiovisual performing arts creations in which several artistic disciplines are fused into an innovative stage idiom. Music (live and otherwise) and soundscapes play a central role in each creation. So far the company has created Het kleinste familiecircus ter wereld, Poolnacht and Pakman.